i'll take my coffee to go now...

Mistakes. Regrets. Lessons. Learned.

What do you do when all you do is think too much? I feel as though being single makes me believe I will never find a boyfriend or husband for that matter. What do you do when you're hopes and dreams scare you. I need a reason to believe that my life is not worthless. Whenever I take my life for granted I think of the people I have lost and everything that got taken from them. I am trying very hard not to take this life for granted but when I stress and worry, I can't process what to do. I feel frozen in time while everyone around me is moving so quickly. I feel as though I am moving but still in the same place as last year. Maybe I am just repeating my mistakes again, maybe I am making them worse. Where did this summer go? I swear it seemed like yesterday I had just finished my exam. I feel like something is wrong with my thoughts, they are all over the place. That is why I got this blog, to try and organize my thoughts.

Life and the works

I have to say that dating at my age is not as easy as it may seem. The whole go out and get your party on and meet cute boys, just doesn't exist for me. I say this because I don't drink nor do I smoke. I am what you call straightedge and I love it. Most guys I know are not for my decision but do I care? HEEEELLL NAAW. Anyways, I recently changed my eating habits and am a full time vegetarian ;) what do you think of that?

Boy do I get off topic....speaking of boys...
I wish I could find a guy who is looking for a relationship, which is pretty much impossible. Sure I meet guys in lots of ways, but they honestly never want a relationship at this age. Even older guys are not as interested in relationships, well the ones I choose at least. I don't even choose my relationships, they sorta just come to me and they never end the way I want it to. The last "dating scenario" I had, involved me taking a risk with a guy and not getting my heart broken but just not getting what I wanted. Boy does it suck....
I always feel like I am the only girl who goes through dumb stuff like this. I just the right guy would walk into my life, hell, I think every girl feels that way. I just hope I don't end up alone, without a life partner.
My depressing life.

Candy Cranks Goodness!

Recently I purchased an IRO Heidi which looks like this...

but the rims are fully blue for both the from and back...and also the chain is silver.

I love riding my bike and ever since I got it, I have been looking at random blogs. One in particular is: http://www.candycranks.com/

Candycranks is a mix of female riders who ride and blog all over the world. It is really interesting, because you get a little bit of insight of what kind of rides are going on in London or in the U.S. I know it may sound boring but honestly its far from it! They find things people don't even look into like fashion and bikes, or a bike store just for women who don't want to take their louboutins off. Its lovely and I think you guys should check it out!

Here is some of their recent blogs that I have talked about/find really sweet:
http://www.candycranks.com/archives/9440 - Women Specific Bike Shop NYC

Enjoy! :)

lay low, open up.

Hey ya'll,

my name is Mary and I have decided to start blogin' my life away. I read blogs daily, from jack and jill (http://jakandjil.com/blog/) all the way to hype machine (http://hypem.com/#/). I have a tumblr (http://maryroberts7.tumblr.com/) and twitter. (http://twitter.com/maryroberts7) without the interwebz my existence would be useless. I love fashion, music, food, media...basically everything that everyone else likes, but in a weird way. I say weird because the average person wouldn't understand my likings. I love fashion, but I love when there is an edge to the aspect. I love looking at a picture and seeing something less serious or less normal.

Now onto music. Right now I am loving Kid Cudi and everything he produces is gold.

Food...I eat everything...but right now I am trying to change over to being a animal loving person...that's right I want to become a vegetarian. My Mum was one for most of her life, until she met my Dad. I hope to soon be one, even though I only eat chicken, it shouldn't be hard!

Media is everywhere and yes sometimes thats not a good thing, but I love it. I love crazy designs and I love my phone! Haha I have an Iphone...which is my life. Don't Hate. I hope you like my blog! It will be about everything from food to crazy blogs or bikes I love!

Bye guys :)